We realized we’re facing a dilemma soon after we started shopping for the decorations and furniture when we started the Amouwalker project: shall we go for the modern contemporary style or the traditional Taiwanese style?
在阿貓亂走進行家具採購時,我們曾經面臨很大的抉擇:應該向新型的家具公司還是向傳統的家具店購買呢?(照片為用呎畫著訂單的認真的阿北)Coming to the 21th century, a lot of the mid-small Taiwanese décor, furniture and bedding stores are too old school to attract younger generation. Traditionally, these stores targeted at the newlyweds to fulfill the ritual of giving them gifts as wedding blessing from parents. The products were designed in plain, solid and Taiwanese style. Comparing to the contemporary style such as the ones we see in IKEA that are inexpensive yet practical, we did struggle for our final decision.
講到家具,台灣有很多小型的傢俱公司,販售著傳統台灣耐用、樸質、花俏造型的傢俱造型(很多時候是辦嫁妝的時候會去採買的),但是新型的連鎖家具公司像是Ikea等企業化的公司能提供較為簡潔符合現代感的設計與較為便宜的價格,對阿貓亂走來講,真的是很困難的抉擇。Finally when we found Xin-Yi-Chang Bedding, we made up our mind to put our purchase to them. It was the commitment and passion in Lao-Ban’s eyes convinces us that we’ve found the perfect bedding for Amouwalker. (I am such sensible like most Taiwanese are!) The old dear Lao-Ban told us, he’s been working here for his whole life, and he could promise the best quality for everything from here. You can just tell the honesty from the earnest way he recorded our order.
Like a lot of shops in Taiwan, Xin-Yi-Chang Bedding is merely a small business that struggles in the fast pacing modern world. Yet it is the whole life of Lao-Ban.
Back in the old days, most Taiwanese fabric patterns were with colorful flowers - Colors and flowers represented the prosperous and fortune in Taiwanese culture. I was soon amazed by the beauty of them. Now, come and stay in Amouwalker, you can also share our love for conventional art!
You can find these traditional bedding shops in almost every neighborhood. It’s like an old friend to see the people getting married, having kids, preparing wedding presents for their children and the family grow bigger and bigger.
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