2011年8月28日 星期日

老奶奶的花園‧The story of the Garden

The first thing you see in Amouwalker is our garden - on top of the urban jungle, there is this little yet amiable tropical garden.
And there is a fascinating story behind the garden. Back in the day when the building was built, the gentleman savor the little space for the lady so she has a little space to grow and nurture her little hobby: the plants, the flowers, and the little waterfall and bridge. 

當年這房子是建商爺爺買給奶奶的禮物,奶奶很喜歡種花種草,用心的建商爺爺,雖然在都市六樓的小陽台沒辦法有太大的空間,還是很努力的做出了台式的小花園,有小橋、有流水,還有鮮艷的花朵,這都是奶奶最喜歡的顏色..慷慨的奶奶,也曾經將這裡借給電影拍攝《7-11之戀》 (看的出來是在這裡嗎?)讓更多的故事,存在於他們共同的回憶之中...

There was so much happening in the little paradise. The plants grew flourish, the flowers blossomed, and butterflies and birds came visit. Life was full with happiness. 

Until the day the gentleman died. Many real estate agents came and offered very attractive deal. She drove them away just so she can keep the garden with so much memory of their happy old days. Until Mrs. Wang came. “Will you keep this place as a garden and take good care of it?” Mrs. Wang gave her words and attended the garden a passion ever since. 



Now, Amouwalker follow Mrs Wang’s step, and want to show the flourish garden to people from all over the world. Come and visit us, and we’ll show you our garden with proud.  

  於是,不管房子有多麼地荒廢, 花園一定茂盛依然,一樣開滿了花,王姐費盡心力地想,要如何好好地利用這個空間...



